The Most Ingenious Design Features Coming For Autonomous Vehicles


The autonomous vehicle revolution is coming. The technology is here, and it’s only a matter of time before self-driving cars become mainstream. When they do, they’ll change the way we get around and interact with our vehicles like never before. As someone who loves cars as much as I do—and loves writing about them even more—I’m excited to see what comes next. Below are just some of the ways that autonomous vehicles will make driving more fun, safer, and easier than ever before:

Driverless cars will make driving more fun.

Driverless cars will be safer, more efficient and convenient. But they’ll also make driving more fun.

Driverless cars are the future of transportation: They’re safer because they don’t crash as often; they’re more efficient because you can be productive on your commute instead of wasting time behind the wheel; and they’re convenient because you never have to worry about finding parking or paying for gas again (or even buying a car). But there’s another reason why these vehicles could change our lives: They offer an opportunity for us all to have some fun while we’re getting from point A to point B!

Autonomous vehicles will be able to come to a complete stop in the middle of a highway.

Autonomous vehicles will be able to come to a complete stop in the middle of a highway.

This feature is already being developed by companies like Google and Ford, which has been working on it for years. The technology would use sensors and cameras to detect other vehicles around you, then stop your car as quickly as possible when needed–even at high speeds. The system also has the ability to tell if you’re too close to the vehicle in front of yours, so it won’t slam on its brakes too quickly unless necessary (and hopefully prevent accidents).

An autonomous car’s inside will soon look more like a lounge than a vehicle.

Self-driving cars will have more space.

If you’ve ever sat in the backseat of a car that drives itself, you know that it doesn’t feel like a vehicle at all–it feels like a lounge. That’s because autonomous vehicles are designed with comfort in mind. For example, self-driving cars have seats that are wider and more comfortable than those found in human-driven vehicles, which means passengers can relax (and even nap) during their commute to work or wherever else they’re going. Also, there will be plenty of room for passengers to work on laptops or tablets while sitting inside an autonomous vehicle; this is especially useful for long trips where getting work done on time matters!

In addition to being able to relax and get things done during your ride through life’s many twists and turns (like traffic jams), there’ll also be plenty of space available within these new types of transportation systems:

Your car will know where you want to go before you even ask.

Imagine this: You’re walking down the street, and your car knows where you want to go before you even ask. It’s not just a matter of knowing what neighborhood or city you want to visit–the vehicle will be able to anticipate and plan for all sorts of variables, such as traffic patterns or weather conditions.

It sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie (or maybe an episode of Black Mirror). But it’s actually happening right now with some autonomous vehicles that have been deployed on public roads in California and Arizona. And soon enough, automakers will start rolling out similar features across their entire lineups as they race toward widespread self-driving adoption by 2021

Parking will become easier and safer as self-driving cars take over.

Parking will become easier and safer as self-driving cars take over.

Self-driving vehicles will make parking lots more efficient, reducing the amount of space needed to park a car. The cars themselves are expected to be smaller than their human-driven counterparts, so they’ll fit into smaller spaces and require less room overall in a garage or on the street. In fact, some experts predict that by 2030 there could be as many as 3 billion fewer cars on American roads due to autonomous technology making it easier for people not only to get around but also park their rides when they’re not using them–which means less demand for new parking spots overall (and therefore less construction).

The increase in efficiency won’t just make your commute faster; it’ll also make things safer. Self-driving vehicles won’t need humans around at all times since they don’t drive drunk or fall asleep at the wheel; this means that if you’re behind another vehicle when it comes time for both of them go into reverse gear after entering into an underground garage together via elevator ride up top level where parking lot entrance is located then there won’t be any chance whatsoever of collision due simply because both parties involved know exactly what’s going happening next step ahead before anything else happens beyond initial contact point between two objects

Self-driving cars are going to change the way we interact with our vehicles and the world around us.

Self-driving cars will change the way we interact with our vehicles and the world around us. Imagine being able to take your hands off the wheel, relax, and enjoy a long drive through scenic countryside while your car drives itself. Or imagine being able to go on vacation and leave your car parked in an airport lot while you’re away–it will come pick up right where it left off when you return!

Self-driving cars are going to be able to do all sorts of things that regular ones can’t: They’ll be able to park themselves in tight spaces; they won’t hit pedestrians or other vehicles (since they won’t crash); they’ll even stop at red lights when there’s no traffic around them (and then proceed through). It sounds like science fiction but it’s already happening today — we just need time for these technologies develop further so that they become reliable enough for everyday use by consumers everywhere.”


The future of autonomous vehicles is bright. In the coming years, we’ll see these cars become more common on our roads and in our lives. We’ll see them use innovative features like laser sensors and other technology that will help them navigate safely through traffic while also making driving more fun for their owners. The biggest impact will be felt by those who can afford these luxury cars–but that doesn’t mean everyone should give up hope just yet! There are still plenty of ways for regular folks like us to get involved with driverless technology today without breaking the bank

Howard Lalanne

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