How Autonomous Vehicles Will Change Everything


Autonomous vehicles are on their way, and they’re going to change everything about transportation. But how is this going to happen? What does it mean for public transportation? And what does it mean for car insurance? We’ve got you covered!

Autonomous vehicles are changing everything.

Autonomous vehicles are not a new idea, but they are getting closer to reality. They will change how we get around and how we design our cities. They will affect how we live, work and play; they could even affect the environment and economy.

The technology behind autonomous vehicles is advancing rapidly, with companies like Google developing self-driving cars that have driven over 1 million miles without incident in California alone (California Department of Motor Vehicles). Due to this rapid progress in technology, many experts predict that within five years most new cars on the road will be equipped with some level of autonomous capability–and within 15 years most people won’t own their own car anymore because it will be easier just to hail one whenever you need one (Bostrom).

It’s hard to overstate the impact of autonomous vehicles on the future of transportation.

It’s hard to overstate the impact of autonomous vehicles on the future of transportation. Not only will they make driving safer, but they’ll also change how we live and work, who we travel with and how cities are designed.

In fact, some experts think that AVs could be so transformative that they’ll reshape our entire understanding of what it means to be human–and not necessarily for better or worse.

Here are six ways autonomous vehicles will change everything:

Autonomous cars will affect how we move around, what we do for work and how we design our cities.

Autonomous cars will affect how we move around, what we do for work and how we design our cities.

To begin with, driverless cars will change the way that people travel. They’ll be able to get from point A to point B without having to drive themselves–a task that requires concentration and skill (and sometimes just plain old boredom). Instead of sitting behind the wheel, passengers could use this time more productively by working on their laptops or catching up on Netflix shows they’ve been meaning to watch.

That means fewer cars on the road at any given time; since autonomous vehicles can drive themselves safely in heavy traffic conditions, there won’t be as much need for solo drivers who would otherwise clog up roads during rush hour or weekend drives across town just because they don’t have anything better going on at home.*

Autonomous vehicles are going to change urban planning and development.

Autonomous vehicles are going to change urban planning and development. No longer will we need parking lots, for example–the cars can park themselves! This will free up valuable space that can be used for other things like parks or housing.

The same goes for public transportation: autonomous buses could operate more efficiently on their own schedules, making them less reliant on human drivers who need breaks or may not show up at all (not everyone wants a job where they have to work weekends). In fact, many companies are already working on autonomous shuttles that could replace buses altogether if the technology becomes advanced enough.*

Road design is also going to change dramatically thanks to AVs; think about how much room cars take up when they’re driving around looking for parking spots! With AVs taking over this responsibility (and allowing people more time in their lives), there’s no reason why streets couldn’t become narrower without compromising safety…

Public transportation is going to be completely transformed by autonomous vehicles.

Autonomous vehicles will have a tremendous impact on public transportation. Because they can drive closer together and are better at navigating traffic, autonomous cars will be able to move more people in less time and space than traditional buses or trains. This means that we’ll see an increase in efficiency and lower costs for public transportation as well as reduced emissions, safer driving conditions and better service overall.

This is great news for cities like Los Angeles where traffic congestion has become so severe that many residents avoid driving altogether–instead opting for public transportation or even walking (which isn’t terrible if you live close enough). But what does this mean for your commute?

We won’t need parking spaces anymore.

One of the biggest problems with owning a car is finding a place to park it. It’s an expensive hassle, and it takes up a lot of space–space that could be used for something else, like housing or businesses or parks.

But autonomous vehicles don’t need parking spaces. You can summon one when you want one, get in and drive away (or just sit there), then call it back when you’re done with your errands or meeting or whatever else takes place during those 30 minutes or so when you’re not actually driving yourself around town.

You won’t have to own a car if you live in a city that has a strong public transit system.

If you live in a city with a strong public transit system, autonomous vehicles may change your life.

You’ll be able to use it to get to work and back home again. You could take the bus or train instead of driving yourself every day. You could also use it as an alternative transportation option when you’re running errands or visiting friends–no need for parking spaces! The possibilities are endless: if you don’t want to drive yourself around town anymore because it’s too expensive or time-consuming (or just not fun), then why not let someone else do the work?

If this sounds appealing but also overwhelming–if only there were someone who knew all about autonomous vehicles who could help us understand how they work…

The car ownership model will change forever.

The car ownership model will change forever.

The days of owning a car are over. Autonomous vehicles will allow you to order up a ride whenever you need one, from anywhere in your city (or town). You’ll be able to use them for your daily commute, take them out for a spin on the weekend for fun, or even book one for special occasions like weddings or family vacations.

How will this affect car insurance? Will there be less need for auto insurance because accidents occur less often? How will companies pay for it if accidents happen less often? Will they raise rates? Lower them? There could be some big changes here in the near future… Or maybe not!

The question on everyone’s mind is: How will these autonomous vehicles affect car insurance? Will there be less need for auto insurance because accidents occur less often? How will companies pay for it if accidents happen less often? Will they raise rates? Lower them? There could be some big changes here in the near future… Or maybe not!

In reality, it’s too early to tell exactly how all this will play out and what effect it’ll have on your wallet. But one thing is clear: If you’re interested in staying up-to-date on this topic (and others like it), sign up here!


Autonomous vehicles are going to change everything. We don’t know exactly what the future will look like, but we do know that it will involve fewer accidents and more efficient transportation systems. It’s hard to overstate the impact of autonomous vehicles on our lives–and not just because they’ll save us from having to drive ourselves around everywhere!

Howard Lalanne

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