Introduction Driving for a ride sharing company like Uber or Lyft can be an exciting way to earn money. But if you’re going to be driving around strangers and their stuff, it might be smart to get some extra protection. That’s where ride-sharing insurance comes in. It provides all sorts […]

Introduction Have you heard of ride sharing? It’s the latest way to get around town, but it isn’t just for millennials. Ride sharing is a service that allows you to book a ride with someone who’s going the same way as you. The difference between riding with Uber or Lyft […]

Introduction Riding with strangers is one of those things that we’ve all done, even though it makes us feel a little weird. It’s like the great divide between people who enjoy dancing and people who don’t: no one really understands why but there’s something about it that feels good. Ride […]

Introduction Lyft is a ride sharing service that allows people to hitch a ride with their friends or strangers in the comfort of an air-conditioned car. Lyft is often cheaper than taking a taxi and can be even cheaper if you use one of the many promotions it offers. In […]